Thursday, August 11, 2011

Black thoughts at night

The torture goes on, neverending. I received a picture today from my dad. It shows him and my mom when they were dating, before he went off to Vietnam. I'll never have that. Not anything like that. Shit, it's all blackness! Blackness as far as I can see! I will get up tomorrow and spend all day at my desk, staring into the pit. I hate myself, I hate myself so goddamn much.

I found out another ex of mine is pregnant. Let's call her ... hmmm, let's call her the Goose. Heh. She was a trip ... my relationship with her was rocky, but passionate. It was too much at the end. I walked out on her, which might or might not have been a colossal mistake on my part — I suppose I'll never know. Anyway, she's engaged now, and occasionally I check her Facebook page (unbeknownst to her) to see what she's up to. Seems she's got a bun in the oven, har har.

Maybe I fucked up. Maybe it should have been mine. Who the fuck knows. She's off living her life. My ex-wife is off living her life, too — probably pregnant, or with kids. I'm far too scared to see for myself. The Swan is off having her life and dreams come true.

The Dove is, of course, still pining away for me. Shit. I wish she'd just let me go. I am stuck in my hole and will never be able to climb out.

A bullet in my head. That is literally all I can think of. Buying a gun, loading it, placing it against my temple, boom. All over. It's what ... nine and a half months from now? It seems weird that I'm actually going to do it. I mean, really: Nothing will get better. It's all hopeless. All utterly hopeless.

I have to go to sleep. Gotta get up tomorrow. Trudge through another day. My life is such a fucking lie. Death can't come quick enough. I pray — yes, I pray — that my death will come SOON, and preferably peacefully. A quick illness. Some unnoticed disease. I supposed a car wreck or an airplane crash would be okay. But I want the chance to say goodbye, if possible. Don't afflict some other worthy person, God. Don't hurt people like my mom. HURT ME. KILL ME. I NEED TO DIE.

Spare me from having to do the deed myself. Just end it. End. The. Fucking. Pain.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


So ... yeah. Haven’t written in awhile. Sigh. Work crap, mainly. Also, I was at a point where I was so damn depressed every day when I came home from work that I just plopped down in front of the TV to play video games. That’s been a nice distraction. I am nearly at 35 percent completion on Gran Turismo 4 (yeah, I’m a few years behind on games). Being the methodical sort, I’m aiming for 100 percent completion.

I actually managed to get 100 percent completion on GT3 — well, technical 100 percent completion. The game had some sort of bug that prevented you from getting 100 percent; I forget where it maxed out at. But GT4, as far as I can tell, has no such bug, so 100 percent should be doable, if a bit of a slog. For one, there’s the issue of a *real-time 24 hours of Le Mans* race. Two, actually: One with the original circuit, and a second with the newer circuit that has the chicanes on the Mulsanne straight.

Oh, and workouts. Obviously haven’t been logging those, but I’ve been keeping at them, and I guess I’m getting results, such as they are. Here’s a typical workout day for me now, to show you how I’ve progressed:

50 x 4 pushups

75 x 2 crunches, 25 lb. weight

12 x 2 arm curls, 25 lb. weights

9 x 2 arm curls, 30 lb. weights

7 x 2 arm curls, 35 lb. weights

45 minutes on the elliptical

I’m about at the point where I need to go up on the weights for my arm curls. Oh, and I need to start wearing gloves — damn grip pattern on the dumbells is starting to cause blisters on my hands.

Oh, and I’ve tried to shift my workouts to the morning. That seems to give me more energy throughout the day. And it gives me more time to play video games when I get home! :)

Right now, I’m visiting my mom. That’s another thing I’ve been dealing with. Seems my mom had a seizure a few weeks ago. They had to cut open her skull for a biopsy, and the results came back this week: It’s brain cancer. The “good” news is that they caught it early, so it’s relatively treatable. She should live a few more years yet. The bad news is, well, it’s brain cancer. Oh, and she has to take anti-seizure medicine now and she can’t drive. She might be forced into early retirement. The works. I’m flying up to spend a few days with her.

Heh. That horrible terminal disease I want to develop? Looks like it hit my mom. Poetic, huh? Shit. God mocks me.

Anyway, while I’m visiting my mom, The Swan will probably enter into our discussions. I am still ever tortured by thoughts of her. I have discussed my feelings with my mom, though obviously with something far less than the fine-grained detail I resort to here. No talk of suicide, for instance.

Ah, yes. Suicide: How goes the darkness? As bad as ever. The Swan has loomed particularly large lately. It’s funny: I can go months without thinking about her. Then she’ll suddenly stumble back into my conscience and I’ll spend weeks obsessing about her. It’s been particularly bad lately. Every night — every single night — when I go to sleep, I am tortured by the same thing: I am assaulted with visions of the happiness and fulfillment she is experiencing without me, seeing all the happy and contented years she has in front of her. I see the guy who finally manages to get her to the altar — he’s impossibly perfect, better than me in every way, able to offer her things I never can. He fulfills her completely and gives her nothing but years of happiness.

Over and over. Those images, over and over, playing in an endless loop. And all I want is for it to stop, stop, stop. I want it all gone from my mind. I just want to push a button or flip a switch and completely turn it off. And then, over and over, the same thought: Putting a gun to my temple, pulling the trigger, painting the walls with my brain. It alternates: The Swan. Pain. Suicide. The Swan. Pain. Suicide. Over and over.

I wish I could say I am exaggerating for effect, but this is a literal description of every single night for me. It just keeps repeating until I sink into sleep.

Some nights the burden is so heavy that I can’t face it, and I have to get drunk to numb the sharp stabbing pain. Most nights I just endure it. Even another woman doesn’t make it go away. The other night I was sleeping with the Dove (Sigh. It’s complicated...), and even with my arms around her, peacefully spooning with her, that damn loop started playing again.

I constantly try to imagine what it would feel like: Suicide. One’s thoughts inevitably drift to what would happen afterward — how one’s friends and family would react, how the funeral would go, that sort of thing. But I have to keep cutting off those thoughts, because I clearly wouldn’t be there to experience them. Instead, I force myself back to the question: What would it feel like? And all I can think of is that one second I am consumed with pain, the next second...what? Nothing, I think. The pain just stops. Everything else stops, too, but that’s the important part: No more suffering.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fuck my useless life

I'm really gonna do it. I mean, that just occurred to me tonight: I am really gonna blow my brains out come May 2012.

Shit. Like I even care. Life is a tunnel of darkness and sadness interrupted by brief flashes of happiness and light. I had one of those with the Swan. Apparently I gave the Dove that kind of feeling for a little while. But it never lasts. It never fucking lasts. The Gods LAUGH at us. They laugh at our suffering, laugh at our pain.



There is NO fucking reason to live with this suffering, and I WILL fucking end it. Oh, I know: In the larger scheme of things, my suffering is nothing. How many millions or billions would give everything to trade places with me! But here I quote Johnson:

"How small of all that human hearts endure
That part which laws or kings can cause or cure!"

I was born to be miserable and no change in my physical state will cure it. Fuck, is the Swan came to me tomorrow and pledged herself to me for all eternity, I'd probably still hate myself.
Why should a worthless sack of shit like myself endure? Am I not, in the larger scheme of things, a detriment? My self-loathing is a cancer upon the gene pool of my species. Should it not be rooted out and burned to the quick? Should not the confused and self-sabotaging neurons breathed into being by my DNA not be torn down and topple, razed utterly, and plowed over with salt, never to rise again?

If man is to be noble and good, and to advance ever upward, I must cut myself loose. It's kind of brilliant, actually — my cancerous genes forced to extinction by the memetic dictates of some higher class of selfish genes. The fingerprints of my betters will never be found upon the knife that slits my throat; the only impressions to be found will be my own. Genius — the beautiful and mighty are absolved of all sin, and yet their glory advances.

Yeah, well fuck them. Go ahead and celebrate, sez I. I am food for worms. I am the dust of the cosmos. I am the food that will feed your offspring a million generations hence.

I am merely accelerating the process which will crown the gifted, the beautiful, the great. It is their world anyway; I want no part of it.
They can have my body, my cells, my molecules and atoms. But the part of me that is me will not be there. He will have unlocked his cage and run away. And you might move planets and galaxies with the flick of your fingers, beautiful ones, but the me that is writing this will be forever, forever beyond you.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Things just keep getting worse...

My mom had a seizure today. They are not sure how serious it is.

They will be doing tests tomorrow that should give them a better picture. In the meantime, I'm very scared.
Kill me now, God. Just kill me now.

Daily workout log

No workout yesterday. Today I killed myself (figuratively speaking):

35 x 4 pushups

70 x 2 crunches, 15 lbs. weight

15 x 2 arm curls, 25 lbs.

10 x 2 arm curls, 30 lbs.

5 x 2 arm curls, 35 lbs.

45 minutes very intense minutes on the elliptical machine.

I almost collapsed when I finished on the elliptical.

Today would have been my 11th wedding anniversary. I was trying to punish myself. I thought about writing the Swan, but didn't. My hard workout was also an attempt to punish myself for that thought...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

An item of no value at all

All that ruminating the other day on the nature of social markets has left me deeply depressed. Why should I wait any longer? I said I was going to wait until May 27, 2012 to kill myself, but really, it’s pointless. Events just cascade logically toward that ultimate denouement. I can’t see any reasonable path that’s not going to end up there. Will my life really change so much?

The future is not very hard to fathom. Here is what will happen with the Swan: She is a thin, beautiful woman in her 30s who has never been married and has no kids. She is now back living in our hometown.

She is intensely desirable. In short order, she will meet a well-to-do gentleman a few years older than her. While other guys his age were off getting married and having families, this guy spent his 20s and 30s focusing obsessively on his career, and he has done rather well for himself. He’s now ready to settle down and is looking for a lovely, thin woman to hang on his arm, to have his children, and to look after his household.

He’s much too proper and respectable to snatch up some twentysomething young trophy wife; he’ll be looking for someone closer to him in age — yet still hot. The Swan fits the bill perfectly. And how will she be able to refuse? He’ll be a nice enough fellow — not some asshole. He may not be terribly handsome, but he’ll be attractive enough. And most importantly, he’ll be able to offer a lifetime of comfort and security, both for herself and her kids.

There will be a big wedding and a big house. She’ll have a nice car and lots of nice things. He will take her to many nice places, where she will be looked upon with envy and admiration. All of her problems will be wiped away with his checkbook. And she will live happily ever after, Amen. That is how things are for all beautiful women. They are kept and adored.

And fat chance for me to find another gorgeous woman to take her place and make me forget her. I’ve been looking on dating websites for the past couple of weeks and it is beginning to make me terribly cynical. I spent much of today at the park watching people; it’s Fourth of July weekend, so the crowds are out in force. And that has only redoubled my cynicism.

There is nothing, not a goddamn thing about love that is chance or magical. On the contrary, it’s brutally, depressingly predictable. There is no accident, no unfathomable reason why things pan out the way they do. Life is a raw market in which the most blessed among us are the most rewarded. Want a gorgeous woman? What have you got to offer? What have *I* got to offer? What resources, what gifts do I possess that I can redeem for the beauty I ache for?

I am not particularly good-looking. I do not have a great body. So I cannot trade on my appearance. Personality? My personality might best be described as serviceable. I am not charismatic and not very talkative. The subjects that engage my interests are things that most people find quite dull. The women who DO find them interesting are invariably those inhuman straight-A Master Race types that seem to have come out of a laboratory. They are simultaneously astoundingly attractive, brilliant, driven, and live exciting, active lives. Good grief.

So I’m lacking in looks and personality. Maybe my hobbies and interests can make up for it? Maybe I’m a fun, active guy to be around. Again, nope. I don’t play any sports and am not active outdoors. I don’t have any special, amazing skills. Shit, I like to work puzzles and build scale models (well, I used to build scale models; I’ll probably take up the hobby again if I ever live in a place that allows me to set up a little workshop). Let me know if there are any lovely ladies out there getting wet at the thought of that.

Well then there’s always money, right? Ha, ha. Shit, I have no money and no realistic hope of making any. So there goes that.

So what do I have to offer? Well, I’m a kind and decent guy. I’m very family-oriented and I love kids. I’m romantic and caring. I’m stable and honest.

I’d also add that I have a job, but I’m worried about that, frankly, because the line of work I’ve focused on for my entire working career is going to go away, and I have no idea what I will transition into. I’m terrified of that, since I’m not sure what I’m going to do to put food on the table. And unemployment is something women find repulsive.

But let’s put that aside for now. In short, I’m dull and average, and have nothing I can offer a beautiful woman, be it the Swan or anyone else.

Oh, I realize I’m being terribly unfair to women here, because not all women are beautiful like the Swan. And there is a whole world out there of nice, dull, average girls (the Dove, for instance) who would be perfect for a nice, dull, average guy like me, and I ought to learn to be happy with that, and don’t I know all those average women wish they could have a super-awesome guy, too, and you should learn to be realistic and accept your limitations and blah blah blah fucking blah.

And here’s why I really ought to hate the Swan, because you know something? There was a time when I WOULD have been perfectly fucking happy with all that. I had learned to serenely accept my fate and was peaceful and content and would have been happy to be with a simple, nice girl like the Dove. But then that BITCH came roaring back into my life and made me taste the sweet, sweet dreams I had never had the courage to dream before. When I kissed her and made out with her, I could not imagine any woman I could want more. When I thought of the mother of my children, I wanted, God, I so wanted it to be her. I wanted her to tuck my children in and kiss them goodnight. I wanted the minivan and the soccer practice and the trips to Disney World and the crying and the fussing with car seats and wiping up messes to all be with her. She made it all so magical.

Once I’d tasted that perfection, I was ruined. Nothing else would ever be good enough. I mean, if I am going to give my life to somebody, the Swan is the minimum I will accept.

But that won’t be how it will play out for me. If I go on living, I will disappear into the faceless mass at the center of the bell curve. My joys will be small, my dreams will be small — my LIFE will be small. I don’t mind that, necessarily. There are many small things I can tolerate. The love I give my life to cannot be one of them. It must be large and overflowing. It must make me a stronger, better person and must call forth my noblest instincts.

If I cannot have that, I cannot go on living. I cannot live knowing the Swan is out there in the world, having her dreams come true, while I continue to struggle with failure and disappointment.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, go ahead: Mock my stupid, pedestrian concerns. Boo-hoo for me, with all the other awful things in the world, I am tortured by the fact that I cannot have a beautiful girl. Deplore me, excoriate me, tell me how narrow and shallow and shameful I am, blah blah blah.

Here's the thing, though: I agree with you. I can step back and look at myself dispassionately and see how pathetic, how sorry I really am. And that just makes the case even more: Why the fuck should I stay in the gene pool? Seriously, what is there for me to contribute? What to I contribute to the world, to society, to the greater good? My one contribution I can see is that I love and am loved by my family. Shit. That's a reason to go on living with all this pain?

I spent today at work, trudging through my tasks, staring at the screen and feeling lonely and very, very sad. I tried to imagine it ever getting better, but every path to "better" goes through having more money, a better job, more authority — being something other than an anonymous, replaceable cog in a vast corporate engine. Not even a special cog, at that: If I break, the machine does not stop. It grinds on, oblivious to such a minor hiccup, and I'm quickly and efficiently replaced.

Beautiful women want hard-charging, ambitious men or pretty-boy studs, and I'm neither. About all I can do is sit here inside my shell and observe the world and make pithy, readable observations about it. Big fucking deal. The only thing I've got to offer is a lot of love for the right woman, and the desire and capacity to be a good and decent husband and father. Women bitch and bitch and say they can never find guys like that, but we're a dime a dozen. What they really mean is they can't find a guy like that who is good looking, rich, or exciting.

But I don't blame them — shit, they're just following their biological imperatives, the same as me. Why SHOULDN'T the Swan enjoy a nice rich husband who will take care of her, if she can get it? I am certainly never going to reject beautiful women just because less-beautiful women are less of a hassle to deal with. I have an intense, gnawing need for beauty. I need it so badly that I can taste it. It flays my mind constantly. If that thirst must forever be unslaked, I will stop it, I will end the misery, I will send a bullet into my cranium, cease feeling, and I'll see you fuckers again at the end of the universe.

Daily workout log

30 x 4 pushups

60 x 2 crunches, 15 lb. weight

10 arm curls, 25 lbs.

7 arm curls, 30 lbs.

4 arm curls, 35 lbs.

45 minutes on the elliptical machine.

Did pretty good on weight loss this week. Hooray for me.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Daily workout log

For Sunday:

60 x 2 crunches, 15 lb. weight

45 minutes on the elliptical machine

Went to the park yesterday. Felt completely along. Somewhere, I feel like the Swan's life is glowing and golden right now. Mine is empty.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Desire and worth

I am locked inside an irrational skull. I suppose we all are. You know why I think Karl Marx has always held such an appeal to intellectuals, in spite of the manifest failure of his ideas? Because everything in life is essentially a market; people with a surplus of some resource trade it to receive some resource that they normally lack access to.

For anybody other than a hard-core Ayn Rand groupie, this seems deeply unjust. Surely the fruits of this life ought to be divvied up by some more humane, compassionate scheme than simple supply and demand? Faith offers one alternative, claiming that in the fullness of time, all great rewards shall flow to the righteous. But faith is dead to most intellectuals. Indeed, I consider myself a firm Christian, and even in the darkest nights of my soul, I cannot really accept atheism. But even I am forced to admit that my faith is largely just a philosophical position with no feeling of force behind it.

Marxism provides intellectuals with a pseudo-rational basis for the comforts of religion. Like the Gospels or the Koran or the Book of Mormon, it proclaims an end to the tyranny of the market. But if the 20th century taught us anything, it taught us that the market is the cold, Scrooge-like master of us all.

Forgive my meandering, but I do have a point to make here. The market, unfortunately, mixes uneasily with human happiness, because the logic of the market teaches us that scarcity affects value. In human relationships, we are all mostly interchangeable commodities. The dull fact is that very few of us have any deep things of value to offer. We are mostly not good looking or charismatic or entertaining or immensely talented or wealthy. Most of us are stuck in the dull, gray mass that accumulates in the center of the bell curve. We are boring. We are the background noise in the universe of the mighty and the gifted.

But do YOU feel like a commodity? Do YOU feel like an insignificant piece of grain inside a towering silo? Do you see yourself as an interchangeable worker bee in a hive, where somebody else is the queen? I know we all feel that way to some extent in modern society, but do you feel that in the deepest part of your soul?

No, you don’t, and neither do I. You feel yourself to be utterly unique, as beautiful and rare as a diamond. Oh, perhaps the mirror forces you to admit that the particular vessel of flesh you are wrapped in is not particularly special, or even repulsive. But the only mind, the only soul you are truly able to see is your own.

And that makes you feel special. That is why you feel in some sense that the world really does revolve around you. You feel it, I feel it, everybody who has ever lived feels it. You feel that the dreams you have are bigger and more real than other people’s. The love you have for others is deeper and more authentic than anybody else’s. You think deeper, you feel more, your soul is more shining and beautiful than anybody else in the world. You feel that in some essential fashion, everybody around you lives a life much more shallow and limited than your own. Because all you can see is the skin, it seems natural to think that this is the limit of the person. You are the only one with a colorful, churning, rich interior life. Everybody else is surface, hollow on the inside.

We’re supposed to see this as a deep flaw: “Narcissism,” we call it. But in reality, it is the only natural way we have of thinking. Seeing ourselves in any other way requires us to make a mental effort, and it always feels unreal. Buddhist enlightenment or Christian compassion are things you have to work at and they will never become second nature. No matter how much effort you put into it, no matter how much you meditate or how much you pray, it will never be like riding a bicycle. The people we call “narcissists” are in reality just the folks who feel no compulsion to camoflage their own self-image for public consumption. They embrace and flaunt the feelings that the rest of us try to deny.

Here, then, is the problem: Life is a market economy, and in a market economy, the special and beautiful is supposed to command a high price. Each of us, individually, feels he or she is a thing of great value, and thus we feel intuitively that in giving of ourselves, we should receive great value in return. I am a scarce, precious resource. Am I not justified in putting a very dear price on that?

But the steely reality, again, is that objectively, none of us are very special. We are worker bees in a hive, ants in a colony. In the pages of history, we are statistics; the lives and deaths of millions of us are a notation in a dusty ledger. We’re the fuel and feedstock for the ambitions of that God-kissed golden race: The swift and the strong, the clever and the comely, the kings and generals and all the Swan-like princesses.

And for that, we are condemned to want what we cannot have. You cannot desire something which you know nothing of. If you felt yourself to be nothing but a worker bee — if you really believed that — you would never wish for more. Example: You don’t have the desires and lusts of a cat, or a dog, or a fish, because those things are alien to you: You are not and never will be a cat or a dog or a fish.

But you KNOW what it is to feel special. You feel that in your bones. You feel that you are a special treasure. The wide chasm between the way you feel in your head and the way the world sees you and treats you is, I think, the root of much of our anxiety. You feel valuable and special, but the world treats you as cheap and common. I am no Buddhist, but I believe Buddhism has hit upon a deep truth when it declares that the essence of life is suffering, and the path to enlightenment is to eliminate desire.

I think intellectuals are more acutely aware of this dilemma than most people. They spend so much time in their heads that they are more intensely aware than most people of the gulf between their mental self-image and the image seen by the rest of the world. And because they’re so damn smart, they have a greater capacity to analyze the problem than the average person, for whom this dilemma is probably just a bewildering, unfathomable fact of life.

Ordinary people are still able to find comfort in faith, but we intellectuals are supposedly beyond all that hooey. We want facts, we want rationality, and for many intellectuals, Marxism (and more generally, socialism) provides the healing balm that God no longer can. Although I doubt most intellectuals think of it in these terms, I think they’re attracted to the idea of a world that awards bookish thinkers a value more commensurate with their own self-image, or that at least denies those rewards to others in the name of justice.

A few days gone...

Haven't posted in a few days. Been too tired and depressed. I may post something later tonight if I can work up the energy.

Here's my workout log for today:

30 x 4 pushups

60 x 2 crunches, 10 lb. weight

10 x 2 arm curls, 25 lbs.

7 x 2 arm curls, 30 lbs.

3 x 2 arm curls, 35 lbs.

45 minutes on the elliptical machine.

I've been playing around on I've had modest luck with it in the past. None so far now. None of the attractive women ever reply to messages. The only women who express interest in me are just not my cup of tea. Sigh. It just sucks for everybody. And so many good women my age have kids...God. Why, God, why? Are my wishes so impossible to fulfill? Am I that much of an outlier?
No point to it sometimes, it seems. No point at all.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Holding my heart securely inside

I had to drop off my dog at the Dove's house for the weekend. Seeing her always makes me feel incredibly guilty. I wish I could make myself love her the way she loves me, because she deserves so much to be happy. If I could make my own happiness, I would have my passions directed towards the Dove, not the Swan. 

Of course, I could say, well, I'm going to be selfless and put aside my own concerns for the happiness of another. But no. See, I've already been through a marriage. I know what marriage is like. *IF* I ever get married again, I intend to spend the rest of my productive life on this planet putting my family — my wife and hopefully my kids — first, in ever conceivable way. Now, if I am going to take that step — and I would very much like to take that step, because I think it is the only true path to human happiness — I am *DAMN* sure going to be selfish about the person I choose to do it with.

In many ways, I believe my first marriage failed because I wasn't selfish enough — at least at the beginning. You can't be selfish in a marriage if you want it to work, but I see no ethical problem with being as choosy as possible when picking the person to be by your side during the long decades of work and disappointment that characterize even the best marriages. Given the stakes involved, I am quite convinced of the prudence of absolute selfishness on this point.

I intend for my choice of marriage partner to be the last completely and utterly selfish decision I make in my life. After that, I will subsume myself completely to caring for and protecting my family. So if it's my last shot, I will NOT be settling for anything less than the best I could reasonably hope for.

But you know what? I am inclined to blame the Swan for this whole sorry state of affairs. You see, after my divorce, I was a completely broken man. Even as the other things in my life began to improve, I still felt utterly defeated.

Had the Dove come into my life then, she would have been everything I could have hoped for and more. I would spend the rest of my life loving her and treating her like a queen.
But instead, you know who DID come into my life then? The Swan. Again, of course — she'd already torn me up years before, and I'd spent many, many long years trying to heal that wound. And now, instead of the Dove, the Swan was the one who came tearing back into my life — convincing me that I was somebody she genuinely cared for and indeed, loved.

Doing that — giving me that taste, once again, then stealing it away — was the most horrible thing she has ever done. Because it hurt me. Here's how:

First of all, there was the obvious emotional toll of losing her AGAIN. That was very severe, of course. But secondly, somewhere in that mysterious fog that conceals the innerworkings of my mind, she fucking flipped a switch or changed a gear or — something...

The result was that she completely reset my irrational expectations. I had worked hard and long to resolve myself to never having another girl like her — and then she came along and fucked it all up. And now my restless damn soul is once again, desperately hungry for another taste of her — or something very close, at least. Meaning I am stuck once again apparently wanting something I can never, ever have...

Fuck, Swan. I mean, Jesus. I hope the man that ends up with you really fucking appreciates you. I mean he ought to litter the ground in front of your feet with rose petals everywhere you go. Because otherwise, it makes a total mockery of all the suffering I've endured on your behalf.

Are you worth it? I am utterly convinced you are — at least my bastard heart is convinced. Please know that — and please, if you don't take me, don't trade your gifts away for anything less than what I would have given you. I would walk a thousand miles for you; please don't give your heart to any man who wouldn't walk at least two thousand.

Shit. I can't take this. I can't take it, just can't take it. Something will eventually have to give. I am very, very strong, and I've made a commitment here to hold out for a very long time. But eventually, the thing that is going to give will be me and my worthless excuse for a life...

At the casino

Well I'm at the casino. God, I love beautiful women. I wish I knew what you had to do to get one. I'm kind of drowning in female beauty here...all these hot chicks dressed in nightclub outfits.

Sigh. At the same time, it reminds me: I am destined to die alone. I am the loneliest person in the goddamn world. I go out in crowds and I shrink from interacting with people because I am so intimidated, both by the men and the women.

But especially the women, the beautiful, beautiful women. How did a woman like the Swan ever notice I was even alive?

It's not all bad. I won $200 playing slots. I just went up, fed in a $5 bill, pressed a button, and boom: $200 richer. I immediately cashed out and walked away.

Yeah, nice, but I need that kind of luck in real life, not in a casino. I need it with women; I need it with my job. Sigh...maybe tomorrow...

Or maybe never.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Workout log I suppose...

Well, for Friday, the stats were:

60 x 2 crunches, 10 lb weight

30 x 2 pushups

10 x 2 arm curls, 25 lbs.

7 x 2 arm curls, 30 lbs.

4 x 2 arm curls, 35 lbs.

44 minutes on the elliptical machine

It's been a hellish week at work, but luckily the weekend should be good. Going to Miami for the first time, with my Dad. Gonna visit the Hard Rock Casino. It should be fun.

Maybe I'll be able to write more, too...

I'll try to get in workout time while I'm there; we'll see how that works out.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Faith and responsibility...

I like C.S. Lewis and all, but I have to admit, on the subject of suffering, he really could be a bit of an ass. I came across this Lewis quote today:

The security we crave would teach us to rest our hearts in this world and pose an obstacle to our return to God ... Our Father refreshes us on the journey with some pleasant inns, but will not encourage us to mistake them for home.

This reminds me of John Kenneth Galbraith's observation that "the conspicuously wealthy always turn up urging the character-building values of the privation of the poor." You know, fuck off, C.S. Lewis. Seriously, go eat a bag of dicks. I know some Christians are called to a life of suffering, but I burn with an inner conviction that I am not one of those so called. I really can't apologize for the fact that I am made of weak stuff, and if God loves me, He will understand that.

My understanding is that God is not supposed to saddle us with a burden we cannot carry, and if He wants us to perform beyond our capability, He must stand willing to lend a hand. I do not shrink from hardship: "Batter my heart, three-person'd God," as John Donne wrote. But he ended the sonnet thusly:

Take me to you, imprison me, for I,
Except you enthrall me, never shall be free,
Nor ever chaste, except you ravish me.

They call our relationship with God a covenant, right? A covenant involves two parties, and imposes obligations on both. I am angry and hurt enough that I've got the damn nerve to ask you, God: Are you holding up your end of the bargain? 

Catching up, etc...

I have not posted in several days...sorry.

Shit, who am I even apologizing to? It's not like anybody's reading this. Maybe I've anthropomorphized my daily diary — like Anne Frank's "Kitty." Fuck.

Fuck it all. Anyway, I'm not going to go through the rigamarole of recounting my daily workouts for the past few days, so here's today's totals:

55 x 2 crunches, 10 lb. weight

30 x 4 pushups

10 x 2 arm curls, 25 lbs.

7 x 2 arm curls, 30 lbs.

3 x 2 arm curls, 35 lbs.

44 minutes on the elliptical machine.

Wow, it's kind of amazing that I could barely do 3 arm curls at 30 lbs. when I started. Maybe I am making progress.

My Dad is visiting this weekend. Not sure what we're going to do. I am feeling so crushed right now. Read the Swan's Facebook page...I know, just self-torture, right? Read another ex's Facebook page — she is happily involved with a new love. And I am alone, except for the Dove.

Oh, the Dove is keeping my dog this weekend. Is that wrong? It probably is, but I can't afford to board my dog while me and my Dad go on a road trip...the Dove will take care of her, and I will selfishly take advantage of her.

I am a miserable excuse for a human being. I want to DIE. I want to DIE. Please, God, I am begging you right now: Strike me with a horrible terminal disease. Give me fucking cancer or whatever. Spare some other poor soul with a spouse and kids and just dump it all on me. I beg to carry that burden, because it would finally free me.

Fuck. I'll probably live 'til I'm 99. And God will make every single second of it unbearable.

Words cannot express my self-hatred right now. I am a worthless piece of garbage. I wish the universe would destroy me.

Sigh. Great wish, huh? Shit, the microwave is beeping. Dinner is ready. On to another hopeless night, and hopeless day, ad infinitum...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Daily workout log


12 x 2 arm curls, 20 lbs.

8 x 2 arm curls, 25 lbs.

4 x 2 arm curls, 30 lbs.

30 x 4 pushups

50 x 2 crunches, 10 lb. weight

44 minutes on the elliptical machine.

For Sunday: 

50 x 2 crunches, 10 lb. weight

44 minutes x 2 on the elliptical machine.

Feeling like shit right now. Want to commit suicide...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The cold and dreary cell

God. Feeling so bad today.

Watching a movie right now — there's a quiet scene with a husband and his wife. They are just lying together on a bed. He's still dressed in a suit from work, he's just gotten home. They are just whispering to each other. It's touching, soft, intimate...

It makes me sad. That's the kind of scene I always imagined with the Swan. God...

Father's Day is Sunday. Will I ever be a dad? I doubt it. My life is so meaningless, so hopeless. I am so far below the Swan, I feel so little and insignificant, like a piece of dust to be swept away. I am so small I am invisible to her.

But I wanted to be something to her. I wanted so much to be with her, to make her my wife, to build a family with her. She made me see so far beyond myself. She made me want to do everything, to scale mountains and leap across canyons to provide for her.

Nothing and nobody else seems worth it. Yes, it's early in the morning, and I'm tired and I'm not thinking straight. But damn it all, nothing I've ever written was more true. I would have given everything I had for her, and I have never been able to say that about any other woman.

And yet: I am nothing to her. Or at the very least, a warm and fleeting memory — nothing more. And if I told her how I feel? I would look worse than pathetic. I would not be a man. Because men are never allowed to show these things.

That's the thing that I like about being able to write here: I don't have to pretend to be strong. I don't have to pretend as if nothing affects me. Every day of my life, I have to wear that goddamn mask: I am not allowed to hurt. I am not allowed to cry. I am not allowed to be weak, to feel sadness, to feel damaged and vulnerable, ever. Even though every fiber of my being would love to run to her and collapse in tears and beg her to love me...

Oh, Christ, the image of myself doing that sickens me. I want to vomit out all that weakness. Shit, who the fuck could ever love a man so broken and pathetic?

And yet...Yet there's no way to tell her how I feel. How to tell ANYBODY how I feel. Shit. Listen, posterity, or whoever is reading this: Do you want to know what it feels like to be a man? Or at least, what it feels like to be THIS man? It feels like being locked in a supermax prison, under the constant watch of surly oxen guards. There is a whole life of emotion and feeling churning within you, but it can never — ever — be let out. Every outward motion is a calculated act to please your jailers. The slightest flash of your inner life earns you a stern and hard beat-down. Not a physical beat-down. Just a spiritual one. Just an overwhelming blast of social regard that YOU ARE LESS THAN A MAN. You are not worthy of the attention of any woman who is worth a damn, or the respect of any man of consequence. You are the scraps, and you are to be fed scraps. Some misguided souls might offer you sympathy, but strong and beautiful souls — souls like the Swan — will view with pity, at best, but most likely with just contempt.

So you chain your sorrows. You lock up your tears. You burn your emotions until they are black and cauterized and the only outward signs of feeling you betray are dull, stoic indifference. And in that you find strength. And that will elevate you, right? That will redeem your suffering? There is a final reckoning that will make it all balance out, right? Isn't that true? But even if it isn't: Hard. Cold. DO. NOT. EVER. BREAK.

Especially at the hands of a woman.

I wish you knew, Swan. I wish you knew how hard I have to fight to be nothing to you. This weight is far too much for me to carry, and if I must carry it for much longer, my back will snap and I will collapse. And that will be the end of me.

Oh, do not blame yourself. It will not be your fault. How could you ever know? You can't be responsible for things hidden from you, for worlds that have been carefully concealed and lifted away to avoid ever burdening you. I carried away those burdens from you because, shit...because I was ashamed, of course, but also because I loved you, damn it all. I hope you never read these words, Swan, because I don't ever want you to carry the kind of weight I have had to carry for the Dove. I do not want you to carry any weight at all. I want you to live and die as gossamer as when I first kissed you.

But I must write, Swan, and even if you never read this, I cannot keep these feelings within me. There must be an outlet for me. My wounded heart must scream its pain, and must bawl like a fallen, broken, damaged child. The universe must fucking know! Somewhere out there, some silent observer must be rattled to the very teeth with my suffering, even while my face remains a bar of solid iron!

Damn it, I feel, I cry, I hurt so very much! And I can love with the depth of the world, if only I could find a soul to receive it! But I am locked in darkness with my echoes, and I am growing to hate the sound of my own voice. The knife to slit its throat is yet dull; in days to come, it will be very sharp.

Will others hurt? Yes. But I shall carry this heavy weight no longer, and who knows? On the far shore may live many other Swans, and many other bright days. I don't see them from where I stand now. But there is only one raft to ferry me hence, and the toll jingles louder in my pocket every single day.

Happy Father's Day, Swan. And I hope you have many Happy Mothers Days. I wish to God in Heaven I could be a part of them.

Daily workout log, and some philosophical musings

50 x 2 crunches, 10 lb. weight

44 minutes on the elliptical machine

Does anybody in the entire universe read this? God, I feel like killing myself... :(

"In the entire universe..." Hmmm... It occurs to me that this missive is being sent out via (extremely weak) radio signals to my wireless router. Presumably, that means it is also being broadcast out into space...

I've been reading James Gleick's "The Information" recently. He talks about the discovery of cuneiform tablets, written thousands of years ago. They mainly recorded commercial transactions; nobody writing them thought that people scores of centuries in the future would be reading them...

Presumably, the radio signals being sent from my laptop to my wireless router would be far too faint to be detected in the far reaches of the galaxy — with current human technology, that is. But some advanced alien civilization, on the other hand...

Hell, for all I know, these words I'm writing now could end up being copied down and studied for generations, for millenia, by some unknown alien race out there in the cosmos...untold light years from here, my words might be the last scraps of data from the vanished world of humans. Shit, I might be writing "The Epic of Gilgamesh" for some unseen race out there in the stars...

Hey, fuck you. I need to think I matter sometimes, even if it's a flight of fancy...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Belated daily workout log (for Thursday)

50 x 2 crunches, 10 lb. weight

12 x 2 arm curls, 20 lbs.

8 x 2 arm curls, 25 lbs.

4 x 2 arm curls, 30 lbs.

30 x 4 pushups

44 minutes on the elliptical machine

I hate my life right now. I can't see ever being happy ever again. Shit.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Daily workout log

50 x 2 crunches, 10 lb. weight

44 minutes on the elliptical machine

Didn't work out yesterday. Too damn depressed.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Daily workout log

50 x 2 crunches, 10 lb. weight

30 x 4 pushups

12 x 2 arm curls, 20 lbs.

7 x 2 arm curls, 25 lbs.

4 x 2 arm curls, 30 lbs.

42 minutes on the elliptical machine.

No significant weight loss this week, god damn it.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The twists and turns of melancholy

When I get really tired and irritated and depressed, I have this odd compulsion to scream at my coworkers.

I never actually do so, of course. I remain, on the surface, quiet and unobtrusive and anonymous. But the feeling is very intense. It's not because of anything my coworkers do. They are very nice people, and there's nothing wrong with them. Rather, it seems to stem from an overwhelming need to release the pressure building up inside my head. Don't you see?, I want to yell. Don't you know how much pain I'm in right now? I am sitting here thinking over and over again of killing myself to end the strain, and you are over there babbling like there's nothing in the world that is wrong.

I try to picture how my loved ones would react to the news of my suicide. I see them being sad, of course, but I don't see it leaving much of a void in their lives. I don't see it torturing them for years. I feel so insubstantial and unimportant, it's hard for me to believe I will leave any trace once I'm gone. Once the initial tears are dried, it would be as if I never existed.

Would my Dad be upset? I mean, I know he'd be sad for a little while, but would it really affect him? Would it affect my little brother? I honestly can't see it. I don't know who I really am to my Dad. Part of me feels like he would blame me somehow for killing myself, like he would yell at me and consider me a failure. It just seems like I'm such a disappointment to him. I'm not sure what I was "supposed" to do or be, but I always feel like whatever it was, I've failed, in his eyes.

And my little brother? Who am I to him? Who am I to anybody?

I know my mom cares about me. I know it would devastate her. But ... shit, she doesn't understand at all. I don't feel like she could ever grasp how awful I feel. I don't know if it's real to her, and even if I tried to communicate it, she'd just freak out.

And my friends ... shit, what friends? I don't have anybody I'm close to, save the Dove and the Swan. And I'm nobody to the Swan. And as for the Dove ... well, she doesn't need somebody like me. I can only hurt her.

Fuck, you see, God? Wouldn't it be so much easier if you could end things for me? I wouldn't have to grapple with this shit. God, I'm hurting.

Informal reader poll

Ha, I know, like I have readers. But I'm pretending I do. So my question is: Should I go home tonight after work and just say "fuck it" to working out, and just get fucking drunk off my ass? Or should I actually go through the trouble of working out?

If I work out, I'll probably just down three or four sleeping pills afterward to knock myself out. I've been having trouble sleeping lately and that seems to be the only thing that does the trick. If I don't work out, I'm hoping that the excessive alcohol consumption — I've got a bottle of Bacardi 151 — would help me black out, and make me feel better, besides. Which would you do, fair readers?

A prayer of depression

Dear God,

I am at work now and I want to scream. I want to bang my head against my desk until I am bleeding, until I pass out. I want to scream at the top of my lungs from the pain. Where does my sadness come from? Why does it eat me alive?

God, please stop the pain. It never, ever ends. I am so small and so useless and so scared.

I want to smash things with my fists. I want to yell at people for no reason. I feel like I am being torn apart and I cannot explain why.

I spent my lunch break alone in my car. Over and over, the same image in my mind: Pressing a gun to my head. Pulling the trigger. Blackness. Eternal peace.

Would others care? I don't know. My family would, I know. But I can't live for them. I have to have something inside me, some source to quench this horrible thirst I feel in my soul. I hate myself so, so much, God.

Why did you create me and why do you keep me alive? I feel like I am nothing. I feel like I am garbage. All I do is feed off others and destroy good things. It feels like the world would be a better place without me in it. Oh, I know my family would hurt. But in the larger scheme, what purpose do I serve? What use is there for me? Don't I just drag down everything and everybody?

I read the obituaries in the paper, God. You end the lives of so many good people, people with families, spouses, children. You rub out their lives like you were swatting a fly, and yet they are missed so much more than I would ever be. God, please, don't take one of them again. Next time you want to take a person like that, take me instead. Give me cancer, leukemia, I don't care. Let ME shoulder that pain, because I want it and I deserve it.

I don't want to hurt like this anymore. Take it away, God. End it. End ME. Erase this awful mistake from the pages of the book of life. Stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it. Stop my hurting. I cannot bear it.

Suicidal ideation at work, again

I can’t see any way forward anymore. It’s all darkness and pain and hopelessness. If this is to be my life, I can’t go on living.

Really, it feels more and more that suicide is the only logical outcome for my life.

I read a story today about old people who can’t afford their cancer drugs. This is supposed to be a tragedy. Christ, I envy those people. I wish to God I could have a doctor look me in the eyes and say, “you’ve only got six months to live.” It’s obvious to me that all the worthwhile parts of my life are over and that all that’s left are various species of disappointment and failure. I’m angry at the Swan right now. Angry or jealous or ... something. She has so much to look forward to: Marriage, probably to a rich guy. A life of great comfort. Children. So many happy things. So many happy years. I doubt she appreciates it at all.

Meanwhile: My life is effectively over. There is absolutely no promise of a better job or career for me, ever. No marriage, no kids, nothing. I just spend hour after hour waiting around to die. If there is a God somewhere out there, I wish he would hear my cries.

I hate myself. I hate my life. I hate everything. It is all nothingness, and I want to be set free.

Daily workout log

50 x 2 crunches, 5 lb. weight

42 min. x 2 on the elliptical machine

Will try to blog some actual content tomorrow.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Daily workout log

50 x 2 crunches, 5 lb. weight

30 x 4 pushups

12 x 2 arm curls, 20 lbs.

7 x 2 arm curls, 25 lbs.

4 x 2 arm curls, 30 lbs.

42 minutes x 2 on the elliptical machine.

Damn it I need to sleep a normal schedule!!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

Painful thoughts, late at night

God, the pain is really unbearable right now. I look ahead and see only darkness.

I can't decide who I should be angry at. Myself? Society? Fate? God? The basic fact is that I'm a cubicle drone with no outstanding job skills. I mean, I've been to film school, and I got a master's in that, so I suppose that's a "marketable skill," but I haven't really done much film-related since in almost 10 years.

Beyond that, there's my training in journalism. I've never been very good at it and have always hated it. And journalism jobs really don't pay shit. On top of that, the whole journalism industry is starting to die a slow death.

I look back and try to figure out where the fuck I went wrong. What bad choices did I make? At every stage, though, with the exception of going to film school, all the choices I made were the safe ones that everybody advised me to make. And even in the case of film school, I tried to chart as safe and conservative a path as possible, to maximize my chances for a job after graduation.

And now I've reached a dead end. I literally do not know where to go from here. Perhaps it's just my personality, but I've always tended to go the safe, reliable route. But there is no obvious safe route leading on from where I stand now. It's just a maze of gray misery, for the rest of my life.

This should be the point in time when I start to flourish in my career and start a family. Instead, I'm nowhere near either of those milestones. Why? I mean, was it me? Did I do something wrong? Is there somebody else I can blame? I do not know.

I am thinking now of the Swan. You know, I barely know her. Well, I know her more than slightly. We've had experiences together. But I was just the briefest flash of light passing through her life, and I probably don't ever figure into her feelings at all. I think we all have an internal narrative of our lives, and in her narrative, I am the tiniest of footnotes, an insubstantial asterisk in a large and complicated section.

I know, or can more or less guess how she sees me, because for the past year or so I've been seeing the situation play out from the other side. I was dating this girl — let's call her the Dove — and while I liked her and enjoyed spending time with her, she never really engaged me on any passionate level. 

Unfortunately, it seems that she feel deliriously for me. Thinks I'm "the love of her life," and all that. Even though I broke up with her months ago, she still hasn't really gotten over it. I still hear from her all the time.

My feelings about the Dove are deeply mixed. On one hand, it is flattering to be loved with such intensity — though what she sees in me, I will never know. On the other hand, my relationship with her uniquely illuminates for me my relationship with the Swan. The Dove does not occupy my thoughts too much, and I recognize in my own coldness of affection something of how I must appear to the Swan. It is not an encouraging thought. Indeed, it makes me painfully aware of the unbridgeability of the chasm between me and the Swan. There are no words the Dove can say, no actions she can perform, that will make me feel the sort of affection she craves from me. And seeing that, I am able to put myself in the Swan's shoes. I know there is not a damn thing in the fucking world I could do to win her.

If it weren't for my relationship with the Dove, I might not understand that. I might be able to convince myself that I had some chance with the Swan. But thanks to the Dove, I understand just how impossible that is. And for that — should I thank the Dove? Or be angry with her? She denies me the soft lullabies of self-deception. But also thanks to her, I am able to refrain from vainly offering the Swan any more pieces of my deeply wounded soul. I know just how futile a gesture that would be, and it allows me to lock away what's left of my heart and keep her from destroying it further. And she WOULD destroy it.

It really hurts, to have your own well-being so dependent upon another person. I mean, it's crushing. Why do I feel such a bleeding desire for something I can never have? How can I shut this feeling off?

See, it's my damn rational mind again. I am faced with a problem; I reason myself to a solution. Being honest with myself, I can't see any plausible scenario in which the Swan would ever be able to love me. For whatever cold reason God thinks it proper, my deep feeling for her does not move her. There is no way I can conceive of to change that. And it's not a situation that circumstances are likely to alter, either.

I will never be able to offer her the security that another man could offer her. The basic fact of the matter is that women like her don't end up with men like me. Men like me get table scraps. The men that end up with women like her are men that have value, that have achieved great success. That is just the naked sexual politics of life. I am an economic nonentity. A cog. I am of zero economic, political, social, or cultural significance. Nothing I do adds any value or advances or defends civilization in any way. I'm basically a parasite. I steal the resources of society and give nothing back.

My great accomplishment on any given day is putting together a nice newspaper page, and making sure all the words are spelled correctly. This is my bequest to posterity? This is the bold gesture of assertion I make against the unfeeling black heart of the universe? This is the blow I strike to proclaim the Nobility of Mankind?

It is nothing — it is worse than nothing. The lightest footprint, washed away by the tide. I am just so much prideful seed for the millstone. I am the dregs of the gene pool. I feel the blunt blade of Darwinian logic hacking away the useless offal of my DNA. It is like my suffering has a sinister purpose: Natural selection is driving home to me how useless I am, as a way of commanding me to pare myself out of the rootstock of tomorrow. The Swan's children — she will have them, you know — will be beautiful and strong. I know they will, because I see that in her, and I know that their father will be beautiful and strong as well. I must die that the way be made straighter, the path softer, the road easier for them.

That hurts, you know: That for someone else to be able to look forward to tomorrow, I have to go to bed every night fearing and cursing it. And for me to look forward to tomorrow, I have to make the Dove miserable, too. Can there be any way forward that, if not making me happy, will at least bring me peace, and in turn, will bring all others peace, as well? If this situation must persist forever — well, then life, when all the accounts are settled, is really not worth living.

Well, maybe that is ultimately the truth — this life is a vale of tears before we go home to the New Jerusalem, with paradise our reward for earthly struggles. Fine, I can deal with that. We must all bear our cross, we must all carry our own burdens, and I am strong and can carry a heavy, heavy load. But this, Lord, this is too much to bear. I will walk as far as I can, but my legs will soon give out. Please help me before I reach that point, Lord. Please.

Daily workout log

30 x 2 pushups

12 arm curls, 20 lbs.

6 arm curls, 25 lbs.

3 arm curls, 30 lbs.

I didn't do more because I need to get to sleep early tonight.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Daily workout log

50 x 2 crunches, 5 lb. weight

42 minutes on the elliptical machine

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Late-night gloom

It's a little after 11:30 p.m. as I write this. I am feeling so low and so worthless.

I have to go back to work tomorrow. I am trying to decide if I should try to spend the rest of the night working on my novel, or just watching videos and getting drunk. I can't make up my mind. I really, really want to get drunk...

Ah, but I won't. And I won't work on my novel, either. Instead, I am going to take a Benadryl — they always knock me out — and drift off to sleep. Perhaps tonight I'll finally die. I can only hope. God, I hate this damn life so much.

The deal with me and women

Let me introduce you to the woman of my dreams: Holly Golightly.


I'm in love with Audrey Hepburn. And of all the roles she played, I am most in love with Holly Golightly from "Breakfast At Tiffany's." Let me show you my calendar at work. This is the one bright spot in my day, the one thing I have that always gives me a lift when I'm feeling down:

I'm extremely, extremely in love with the opposite sex, and Holly/Audrey basically encapsulates everything that captivates me about women.

For one, she's an unabashed girly-girl. Like, whatever happened to girls like that? Oh, I'm not some Neanderthal with Stone Age ideas about sex roles. But let me give you a little background. My parents divorced when I was 11, and me and my little brother went to live with my Dad. My Dad later got remarried, but my stepmom never played a major role in our lives, and even before the divorce, my Mom wasn't notable for being very girly — she was very much a tomboy and still is. Exhibit A: One of the highlights of her life was when she got her first pickup truck. She'd wanted one for years. Later, she upgraded to an even more butch model because she thought the first one was too dinky.

Now my stepmom is dead, and when I go home to visit my Dad, it's just him, me, and my little brother again, just like it was after the divorce. That's the way it's always been, that's all I've ever known: Just us three guys against the world.

Aside from my marriage, I've never really had a real strong feminine influence in my life at all.

I have spent quite enough of my life around men, cut off from any real femininity, and I am done with it. When/if I have kids, I want ONLY daughters. I want to spend the rest of my life on this earth surrounded by pink bows and ribbons and tiaras and makeup and the 15 bottles of hair-care products women always have in their showers. With Holly/Audrey, I'm pretty sure I'd have it.

Secondly, she possesses that elusive quality of elegance, or class. I'm not sure when this stopped being a common or desirable feature among women, but it seems like I don't see it terribly often these days. If you watch a lot of old movies, it seems as if it was once quite common; alas, in this day and age, it seems to have fallen by the wayside.

I wish I could give a more precise definition of what I mean here; "elegance" and "class" are hazy qualities that could mean different things to different people. I'm tempted to fall back on Potter Stewart's old saw: "I know it when I see it." Indeed I do. When I DO see it, I find it pulls me in like a magnet. By contrast, women who conspicuously lack elegance usually repel me.

But for something so essential, it just won't do to leave it undefined and subjective. If I'm going to declare the importance of such a quality, fairness dictates that I at least try to hash out what I'm referring to.

So here's my best shot: Elegance and classiness refers to a certain "air" that some women have about them, a quiet, inner, unforced conviction that, as women, they are special and deserve special treatments. Subtlety is key here; that's why I use words like "quiet" and "unforced." There is no pushiness or whininess here. No in-your-face queen-bitch attitude. There is not even a hint of nastiness or ill-feeling toward others. It is just treated as a given — a kind of sweetly naive confidence. Women who have it just make me melt.

And third: Holly Golightly is just a tiny bit of a bitch, and she's high-maintenance. For whatever reason, this is a turn-on for me. I suspect it might be genetic: My Dad married two high-maintenance women with tendencies toward bitchiness — my stepmom in particular was a terrible, soul-rending harpy.

I'll never be able to go that far. I simply won't subject myself to the sort of abuse my dad put up with. But that being said, a little bit of bitchiness is essential for me; I do not function well otherwise. Having a woman who acts bitchy toward me sometimes makes me feel like I matter — it makes me feel, well, like a man. Scarlett O'Hara is one example of the type of woman I need — hell, I named my car "Scarlett O'Hara." And Holly Golightly finds the absolute perfect balance. JUST bitchy and high-maintenance enough, without going over the line.

I haven't had much luck in finding this, and I'm beginning to suspect I never will. Well, I know the Swan had all these things. But the Swan saw nothing particularly special in me.

Daily workout log

50 x 2 crunches, 5 lb. weight

25 x 4 pushups

12 x 2 arm curls, 20 lbs.

6 x 2 arm curls, 25 lbs.

3 x 2 arm curls, 30 lbs.

42 minutes on the elliptical machine

Those 30 lb. arm curls were tough! I could barely complete them. I'm noting that now because as I'm able to lift heavier, I want to look back at this post to appreciate the progress I've made.